Cocktail Hour with Rae- The Music Within

Cocktail Hour with Rae- The Music Within

June 6th, 2012 // 7:07 pm @

The Music Within

You know that feeling you get when you realize that you’re connecting with a song? Good, bad, happy or sad-no matter the topic, but you look up after closing your eyes and belting out the words that ring true to your heart and u say, “Damn, that’s my song!” Well I want that feeling again.  I want to connect to a song.

I want something in me to stir and get excited because someone is singing the lyrics of my life. I want an artist to not only see me on the outside, but also look deep into my eyes only the way a true artist, or lover, can and find the notes floating around my heart. I want him to spot the half notes that represent the beat to my heart at this very moment because there isn’t anyone who has the magnetic pull to cause them to beat double time. I want him to hear the quarter notes that sneak their way in when I think about what life could have been like if he wasn’t married and able to give me his whole heart, the way I presented him mine with a big red bow on it, price tag removed, wrapped department store neat in blue wrapping paper; his favorite color. Those notes only appear when I see his name in an old email, or I think back to the time I needed to be able to take a breath without aching, so I went into the bathroom with kitchen scissors and cut off the hair he used to run his chubby fingers through. I want those notes to have a different connotation.

When is a musician going to run his fingers across my guitar strings aka my veins and quickly realize they need to be tuned because they’ve been played by that guy who has always been able to play me like no other man has? I’ll keep listening to the radio until that song comes on, until the singer/songwriter finally gets his record into the rotation of my heart.

Category : Blog &Cocktail Hour with Rae

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