Secrets of Couples Who Have Lots of Sex
October 5th, 2012 // 12:16 pm @ Janine and Alane
Secrets of Couples Who Have Lots of Sex
Take your get-frisky frequency from every-so-often to off-the-charts with these way simple tricks…you won’t believe life could be this lusty.
There are couples who have sex pretty often — say, a good three times a week. Then there are those twosomes who burn up the bedsheets so regularly, you have to wonder: How do they do it? They have full-time jobs, maybe a couple of kids and only 24 hours in the day, just like the rest of us. And yet somehow, their desire to get down and dirty manages to transcend these major time and energy (not to mention libido) drains. What’s their secret?
Well, we talked with some of these extra-passionate pairs and found that the “tricks” that allow them to squeeze so much sex into their schedules are so insanely simple, we just had to pass the info on. Try their advice, and pretty soon you’ll find that your day is full of opportunities to tear your clothes off. What’s more, you’ll get the passion humming between you and your guy 24/7 — and what couple wouldn’t want that?
Secret #1: Assign a sex quota When you’re both juggling a billion things — work, kid’s piano recital, calling the plumber — finding the time for a little lovin’ can be the last thing on your mind. So to ensure it not only gets penciled in but takes top billing, steal Eliza’s trick and give yourselves a weekly sex goal. “Seven years and two kids into our marriage, we became consumed by the chaos of daily responsibilities and let sex slide,” says the 34-year-old. “We knew it was crucial to find time to be intimate, but a stock Friday-night-sex-date idea felt too contrived, so we created a variation: Every Monday we pick a random number and have to have sex that many times before the week ends. If three days go by with zero action, we know we’ve got to make up the time fast. For instance, the other day, while the kids were in the backyard with their grandmother, my husband called me into the garage to help him ‘organize a shelf.’ But when I got there, he grabbed me and pulled me into the backseat of the car. He said he had no choice since we needed to get busy to make the quota.”
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