10 Steps on How to Reach Orgasm Faster 8

10 Steps on How to Reach Orgasm Faster 8

November 23rd, 2011 // 8:00 am @


How you breathe is important, though not all experts agree on the best method! Some say that holding your breath when you orgasm heightens the sensation. Others say that holding your breath forces oxygen-giving blood to flow toward your brain and away from your genitals. Continuing to breathe deeply through orgasm is recommended by spiritual sex devotees who claim deep breathing makes it more likely for you to have a second one. While yet more experts say if you want to feel your orgasm over a wider area, start with regular deep breaths and then start panting just before orgasm. Who’s right? It’s about what works for you, so give them all a try!

Category : 10 Steps to Reach Orgasm Faster &Blog

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