Hip to the Game- Red Flags we Overlook in our 20’s and Look out for in our 30’s (#3)

Hip to the Game- Red Flags we Overlook in our 20’s and Look out for in our 30’s (#3)

May 8th, 2012 // 4:43 pm @

"Man on the phone"madamenoire.com

Last minute plans

It’s fun when you’re young—a guy calls and sounds so enthusiastic about seeing you. He says, “Be ready in an hour” and you are because you see this as “he wanted to see me so badly, he threw caution to the wind and didn’t care if he was being rude.” When you’re older you realize that guys who really care about you and want something serious make sure ahead of time that they get penciled into your schedule.

"Man with his head on his desk"bradleygauthier.com

He hates his job

Who doesn’t fresh out of college? At that time, you bond over complaining about mean bosses and long hours. But, later in life, if a man is still hating his job you wonder—is he too lazy to find another? How, this late in life, has he not found his passion? Is he just not a passionate person?

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